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Service Description


Discover your secret weapon for  beauty maintenance.  Designed  to brighten your skin and restore a youthful glow. This infusion features Glutathione, known as the body’s Master AntiOxidant, essential for age management and achieving radiant skin. Glutathione not only enhances your skin’s appearance but also boosts immunity and detoxifies free radicals to prevent cell damage.It is crucial for immunity and detoxifies free radicals to prevent cell damage. Enhance your beauty regimen and enjoy the benefits of rejuvenated, glowing skin and improved overall well-being.


Boost hair, skin, and nail health.
Enhance skin elasticity and collagen production

Brighten skin for a youthful glow

Boost Immunity & Detox your body


Key Nutrients 500 cc (1 bag) of an Electrolyte solution of Normal Saline or Lactated Ringers, Glutathione, Vitamin C and Biotin. (Biotin can be given twice a month as a shot for maintenance between drips).


Suggested add on:  B-complex for energy.

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