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Beauty &

for you.

Your Goals, Our Experience.




An IV Drip Lounge and Lifestyle Med Spa located in Kailua on the island of Oahu. 

Solid advice on vitamins, antioxidants and supplements to boost your energy and metabolism. Quality options for medical grade skincare and repair. Supporting your journey to health, hydration, and happiness.


IV Drips

We're all so busy. Eating on the run means we don't always get enough of the nutrients we need for healthy living. Sometimes we feel exhausted.  Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, and electrolytes delivered through an IV drip are absorbed into the bloodstream most effectively through an IV drip.  ​ IV drip treatment may help alleviate a variety of health conditions such as headaches, migraines, fatigue, jet lag, hangovers, colds, flu, allergies, fibromyalgia, inflammation, and pain from chronic disease.  IV drips can also support collagen production, metabolism, tissue regeneration, athletic performance and recovery, mental clarity, and focus.



Esthetic services bring out the best in you, so you can show up confident and strong. XEOMIN is a preferred option to Botox by many people. An FDA-approved proven neurotoxin that is double filtered and purified to remove unnecessary accessory proteins is injected into the muscles. Erase years with a trusted treatment to temporarily improve forehead lines, crow’s feet, and frown lines. Medical-grade micro-needling is an alternative to invasive laser treatment. Get noticeable results with minimal downtime! It increases collagen production for brighter and firmer skin.


Supplements &

Doctor-prescribed or individual choice, we decide to support our diet and lifestyle with supplements to contribute to better health, comfort, and longevity, At Vitaflow Wellness, we concentrate on two things: 1) how can we help you understand if your supplement, diet and lifestyle choices are contributing to better health 2) how can a quick and non-invasive test provide you with tangible results that will help you track and improve your health over time.


The best version
of you... is just around the corner. 



We have a
new price list
and services
for 2024

IV Drips
IV Drips are the best, most efficient, and fastest way to hydrate and absorb nutrients.

With our fast-paced and busy lives, we may not always have time to prioritize a nutritious diet. Unfortunately, dietary deficiencies may make you feel run down and tapped out. Oral supplements are helpful, but they are only 20-30% effective because absorption through the digestive system is limited.  


You can expect superior health benefits and hydration through IV drips because they deliver nutrients directly into the bloodstream. IV drips may offer relief for headaches, migraines, fatigue, jet lag, hangovers, fibromyalgia, inflammation, brittle skin or hair, and colds, flu, energy and immunity. Our clients have seen positive results in managing anti-aging goals, metabolism, energy, pain, athletic performance & recovery, as well as mental clarity and focus.


What's the difference between an IV Drip, Booster and Shot?

Let us recommend a custom infusion based on your unique needs. Your vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and antioxidants can be delivered in three ways:




IV Boosters
Added to drips.


Booster shots, Injecting nutrients directly into muscle.



Add Boosters into your favorite IV drip or choose a quick intramuscular shot.

Formulated to enhace your overall well-being, these nutrients target areas like skin radiance, weight loss, metabolism, sports performance, pain relief, anxiety, and beyond.

B12 Skinny Shot (Shot)

Energy, metabolism & fat burn

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15 min


NAD+ (Shot)

Metabolism, energy & mood support

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Glutathione ( IV Stand alone treatment)

Master antioxidant, detox & brighten skin

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30 min


Taurine (IV add on)

Longevity, weight loss & anxiety

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15 min


L Carnitine (IV add on)

Weight loss & athletic recovery

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15 min


Biotin (IV or Shot)

Hair, skin & nails

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15 min


Zinc (IV add on)

Wound healing & colds

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15 min


Toradol (IV or Shot) 

Pain & inflammation

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15 min


Zofran (IV or Shot)

Nausea & vomiting

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15 min


Hydrate for health or hangovers. Drip at home, office, hotel, events, or parties.

We'll come to you. Gather your friends. We guarantee you'll feel hydrated and refreshed. The laughter is up to you. Planning an event? We'll contact you to make it happen. 




Healthy skin is a confidence builder.  Taking care of your skin is one way to look better and feel better. You show up strongly when you feel your best. Our skin care services bring out the best in you. 


XEOMIN® is preferred by many people as a more natural option to BOTOX. An FDA-approved proven neurotoxin is injected into the muscles. Erase years with a trusted treatment to temporarily improve forehead lines, crow’s feet, and frown lines.


Medical-grade micro-needling is an alternative to invasive laser procedures. Schedule these treatments to even your skin tone and reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and acne scars. You will see noticeable results with minimal downtime.  The PRP micro-needling option using platelet-rich plasma can enhance your results by releasing proteins. These 'growth factors' not only encourage new collagen, but PRP treatments on the scalp also stimulate hair growth.


Vitaglow Facial treatments are the key to superior skin repair, skincare, and a healthy glow. Our Vitaglow facials include the highest quality products and state-of-the-art technology that go beyond traditional cleansing and hydration. 



Are your supplements working?

VITAFLOW signature IV Drips are the best way to absorb nutrients, hydrating your body from the inside out. Our esthetics treatments care for your body from the outside in. So where do supplements fit into a healthy lifestyle? Your active lifestyle contributes to a rich, full life. You can fuel that lifestyle with supplements that naturally boost your energy and vitality. They support your overall plan for preventative care and improving health and wellness. You can add essential vitamins and minerals that may be lacking in your diet, as well as other beneficial compounds such as antioxidants, probiotics, and omega-3 fatty acids.  ​ Vitamin tablets, capsules, and liquids taken by mouth are called oral supplements. Unlike an IV treatment, when you take nutrients orally, they first move through your digestive system and metabolize before your body can use them. While weekly IV drips work quickly and have a far greater absorption rate, they do take 45 minutes on average to infuse.  Mobile drips are available but his could become inconvenient for some. Oral supplements are easily available over-the-counter at a lower cost, and you can make a wide variety of vitamins and nutrients a part of your daily routine. We recommend a combination of IV and oral supplements for the best bioavailability for your body. ​ Supplements enhance your lifestyle. Choose vitamins and nutrients that are backed by science with over 100 clinical studies and are listed in the Physician Desk Reference (PDR).  We recommend for VITAFLOW WELLNESS clients on our Products We Love page.


Antioxidant Testing

Your supplement regimen supports your health and lifestyle goals for optimal wellness. You complement your daily diet with essential vitamins and minerals for more energy, less anxiety, and heightened immunity. That’s an investment in your future. But, how do you know if it’s paying off? Are your supplements working? Working with your health professional, you can measure the effectiveness of vitamin supplements by assessing the levels of vitamins in your body before and after taking supplements. They may be prescribed blood, urine or other lab tests. That route takes time and can be costly. ​ At VITAFLOW WELLNESS we use a non-invasive scanner for antioxidant testing that is more accurate than a blood draw.  We measure your fruit and vegetable intake in your body by placing your hand on our small hand held device. In just 30 seconds, the biophotonic scanner allows you to see the levels of antioxidants (carotenoids) in your body. We can compare that to your recommended daily intake. If your levels are low then your vitamin supplements may not be effective,  increasing your risk of inflammation and disease. ​ The best part of antioxidant testing is that it gives you something tangible to work with. You’ll be able to see your scan results of your overall antioxidant and oxidative stress levels. We can talk about your scan score and how to improve it it just 2 months by adjusting your diet or supplements.  Empowered with data, people can make informed decisions to positively impact diet and lifestyle. Regular quarterly scans let you track your progress. ​ Supplements enhance your lifestyle. We have several vitamins and nutrients that we recommend for VITAFLOW WELLNESS clients on our Products We Love page. Whether you are into yoga, surfing, athletics, (or all three!) we can share some of our favorite supplements with benefits to meet your needs. VITAFLOW provides supplements that work for everyone in our community—professionals, students, parents, and even keiki.

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Vitaflow Wellness

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